Chinen Salt For Diabetes Can Be Effective For 2 Reasons (2024)

Chinen Salt For Diabetes Can Be Effective For 2 Reasons (1)

By - Dr Umme Hurayra

Diabetes is a lifestyle medical condition right now. As the complete cure is almost impossible so people have incorporated it as a vital factor in reshaping lifestyle and food habits.

Along with medications, numerous natural remedies are available in the market that shows significant potential to keep diabetes under control.

And one of them is Chinen salt for diabetes. The Chinen salt and diabetes have a close tie from pre-historic times in China and India. And still, diabetic patients around the world rely on Chinen salt for type 2 diabetes.

I have gathered almost everything you need to know about this natural diabetic remedy including its origin, effectiveness, and side effects. This Chinen salt for diabetes reviews will clear all your doubts about this alkaline Berberine chloride salt derived from herbs.

Table of Content

What is Chinen Salt?

Don’t think it is something like your regular table salt or pink Himalayan salt. The Chinen salt is different both in origin and composition.

Typically the salt comes from the native South-Asian herb Berberis aristata. Locally known as Daruhaldi (yellow plant), the herb is famous for its yellow dyeing color as well as numerous medicinal benefits.

Chemically Chinen is a hydrochloride salt of Berberine, a quaternary ammonium compound. Berberine is famous for its antioxidant, anti-fungal, hypoglycemic agent, potassium channel blocker, enzyme blocker, and antimicrobial properties. And as a Berberine product, Chinen salt has almost all of these medicinal properties.

Along with regular componnet like sodium, nitriogen, hudrogen, and clorine, Chinen salt also has some elemnts that makes it something unique. The salt contains

  • Vanadium that treat diabets, low blood sugar, and ensure water retentioin in the body.
  • Magnesium that assist in fat, sugar, and carbohydrate digestion in teh body.
  • Chromium for better metabolism of carbohydrate to glucose. The elemnt also triggger insulin generation in cas eof type 2 diabetes patines.
  • Manganese that kepe the metabolised glucose level in control.

If you ask me whether you should choose the Chinen salt cure for diabetes, I would recommend you to go with caution. The Chinen salt and diabetes 2 works perfectly however, too much of it can sometimes reverse the effect.

Chinen salt has a pungent smell which sets it apart from the regular table salt. This specific aroma varies from person to person. Most of the time, people describe it as earthen.

Researchers around the globe are working hard to understand how Chinen salt for diabetes works. However, most of the studies are in the preliminary stages. The most common connection scientists found is that Chinen salt modulates glucose metabolism and keeps diabetes under control.

Is Chinen Salt The Same as Himalayan Salt?

Many people confuse Chinen salt with Himalayan salt. Are those two salts are the same? Technically, no. The main reason behind it is that they both have a similar color. Some confuse as try both have origin in the Asian region. Many companies overlap them frequently, which adds more confusion.

If you are looking for Chinen salt, please check out the product’s label. Chinen salt is from the plant, Barberry, or Golden Thread. On the contrary, the Himalayan salt is from rocks beneath the river flowing across the Himalayan region.

Chinen salt is a mixture of natural ingredients with Berberine chloride. Himalayan salt is the purest and unprocessed form of rock salt, aka sodium carbonate. Like Chinen salt to treat diabetes, Himalayan salt does not have such qualities.

Both of these particular variants of salts are common in Asian medicine and healing. Chinen salt has entered the Western market very recently as a food supplement. Before that, it had a reputation as the curing salt used for preserving meats. Himalayan salt is well known for flavoring.

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Chinen Salt for Diabetes

The Chinen salt is full of natural goodness and medicinal properties. However, the effect of this Berberine chloride on diabetes is still enigmatic to the researchers. They have confirmed one thing from numerous studies that it increases the insulin level and increased the number of decreased pancreatic islets. Both of these impact the relationship between Chinen salt and diabetes.

Chinen salt for type 2 diabetes is more effective than its type 1 counterparts. As your body produces an inadequate amount of insulin in type 2 diabetes so generating additional insulin naturally helps to keep that diabetes type under control.

Moreover, Chinen salt modifies glucose metabolism and absorption in the blood along with reducing insulin resistance. These two effects play a vital role in keeping the glucose under control in the blood and metabolize them properly before Diabetes Mellitus level triggers.

As I said before, the research on ‘is Chinen salt good for diabetes’ is still in the primary stage. Thus, you need to be extra cautious before setting up a Chinen salt dosage for diabetes.

Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before starting Chinen salt or any other supplements. Their ingredients have approval from the FDA. But the product itself may not have. Better safe than sorry. Please note, if have other comorbid conditions like chronic liver disease or malabsorption syndrome, avoid it.

How much Chinen Salt For Diabetes?

So, how much Asian Chinen salt is enough for you? Well, there is no definite amount. Just don’t overuse it. Doctors and nutritionists recommend adjusting your dosing according to your demand. Some may need a smaller dose, and others may need a larger dose.

If you use Chinen salt for diabetes in your daily meals, start with a minimum amount. You can mix it with your regular table salt or use it separately as a supplement. Chinen salt is less salty than ordinary salt and may taste weird for the first time. Let your taste buds adapt to it slowly.

Chinen salt for diabetes should not be more than ten milligrams or five servings of two milligrams each per day.

You may ask why it is essential? As a matter of fact, it affects your metabolism. More salt means more water retention. It may result in edema of peripheral limbs.

How to Use Chinen Salt For Diabetes?

How do you use Chinen salt in regular meals? It sounds funny indeed! However, as the overdose comes with health issues so you need to be careful in use.

There are several ways of how to use Chinen salt for diabetes. Let me elaborate on some of the popular ones:

  1. Substitute for table salt: Table salt is sodium chloride, which is also a part of Chinen salt. So, you can use it to prepare your regular meals. It goes perfectly with any cuisine, Traditional, Mediterranean, Indian, etc. – you name it.
  2. In the salad: Salad is an excellent food for any diabetic patient. Ramp it up with a few pinches of Chinen salt. It gives a little twist to your tastes. Plus, it is healthy.
  3. In drinks: Making yourself a nice glass of shake? Throw in some Chinen salt, which not only enhances the taste but also it improves the texture. It goes well even with fruit juices.
  4. As a dressing: No matter what you eat, you can sprinkle some Chinen salt over it. It is good for your body.

Use it just like any regular salt. Use pinches of Chinen salt in your meal and stir it. Or use it in your salad bowl to spice up the taste. No matter how you use it, it will help you to keep the blood sugar level under control.

You can find many excellent recipes to use Chinen salt for diabetes. You can search for YouTube videos for tutorials and DIYs. Even you can ask your friends for help.

Chinen Salt Benefits

People often ask does Chinen salt cure diabetes? Well, it is not that easy to answer. As Chinen salt is more like a food supplement rather than any medicine so the effectiveness varies.

Because of its diverse medicinal properties, Chinen salt shows some significant health benefits if consumed correctly. From producing insulin to limiting cancer cell growth, this herbal salt can offer a wide range of benefits for your health.

  1. Blood sugar control: You can use Chinen salt for diabetes as a food suppliment. After a meal, there is a spike in the insulin level. In the absence of salt in your circulation, this may cause an abrupt rise in sugar levels. Chinen salt prevents it.
  2. Improvement of insulin resistance: Insulin resistance is the main problem in type 2 diabetes. Chinen salt improves it by the least known pathway.
  3. Good for blood vessels: Our vasculature has artery, vein, capillary, etc. They have a delicate structure. If you have higher lipid content in your blood, they may be stuck in layers of the blood vessels. Chinen salt prevents it from happening and acts as a protective barrier.
  4. Good for the prediabetic person: Even if you do not have diabetes, Chinen salt is good for you. Studies have shown that diabetes runs in the family. If you have a first-degree relative having it, better be ready. The scientists found metformin-like properties in Chinen salt. It may delay your disease progression.
  5. Supports the immune system: Chinen salt has an anti-inflammatory property. More than half of its ingredients support your immune system. It stabilizes your immune cells and slows down inflammation.
  6. Suppression of appetite: Chinen salt modulates your gut hormones such as ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide, somatostatin, etc. These helps in controlling hunger and satiety. Chinen salt helps in early satiety by slowing down your gut emptying time.
  7. Good for gut bacteria: Chinen salt stimulates the normal flora in your small gut, large gut, and colon. By doing this, the salt increases digestive enzymes in your gut and improves metabolism. It is crucial for patients facing gastroparesis to improve their symptoms.
  8. Prevents complications: Type 2 diabetes gives rise to many complications. It may involve major organs like the brain, heart, kidney, liver, eye, intestine, etc. Chinen salt slows down the disease progression and prevents early complications.

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Is Chinen salt bad for you?

Chinen salt itself does not come with any side effects. However, if you consume it in an excess amount the outcome may not be that pleasant. Multiple studies showed that too much Berberian chloride aka Chinen salt in the blood may negatively impact the HDL vs LDL ratio.

The salt extract from Berberis aristata impact the pancreatic islet and is famously known in Ayurveda for jaundice treatment. Nevertheless, excess use can severely damage liver function.

There are can be some minor health issues from the excess consumption of Chinen salt.

  1. It may cause minor gut problems like bloating, intolerance, etc.
  2. If you have other comorbidities such as liver disease, chronic kidney disease, heart failure, etc, please avoid using them.
  3. It is not suitable for people age sixty or more. It can spike blood pressure and eventually damage the heart.


Where to buy Chinen salt?

You can find many websites Chinen salt for sale. You can buy it from your local pharmacy or retail store. Please always check the label. We have listed the top Chinen salt for diabetes on the Amazon website:

Bolivian pink salt: It has lower sodium content than the others. It gives more than sixty trace elements.

Chinen Salt For Diabetes Can Be Effective For 2 Reasons (2)Chinen Salt For Diabetes Can Be Effective For 2 Reasons (3)

Viva Doriya pink salt: It is good for your blood sugar levels. It has a minimal effect on metabolism.

Chinen Salt For Diabetes Can Be Effective For 2 Reasons (4)Chinen Salt For Diabetes Can Be Effective For 2 Reasons (5)

Old Thompson Coarse Crystal salt: It serves Chinen salt tablets. It also comes in a fancy glass bottle. Easy to sprinkle over foods.

Chinen Salt For Diabetes Can Be Effective For 2 Reasons (6)Chinen Salt For Diabetes Can Be Effective For 2 Reasons (7)


Which salt is good for diabetes?

The Chinen salt from Asia is good for diabetes. It contains many trace elements that control your blood sugar level. It may delay complications related to type 2 diabetes such as heart disease, liver disease, cerebral disorder, etc.

What is Chinen salt?

Chinen salt is a specialized salt for the plant Barberry or Golden Thread. It contains mostly sodium chloride and sodium nitrate. It also contains many nutrients that are good for your body. It has a light pink color due to the presence of iron molecules.

Is Chinen salt good for diabetes?

Yes, Chinen salt is good for diabetes. It helps to control your sugar levels. It also protects your circulatory system from atherosclerosis. It prevents inflammation and improves your immune system. It also helps in the betterment of your hepatic functions.

What foods are suitable for those with diabetes?

Foods having low carbohydrates and fat are suitable for people with diabetes. Examples: Fish, red meat, cod liver oil, fruits, vegetables, etc. These foods digest and absorb readily. You must avoid saturated carbs as they may cause a sudden increase in sugar levels.

Is potassium bad for diabetes?

No, Potassium is not bad for diabetes. But you have additional heart disease, best avoid it. It may cause neuropathy in certain patients. An excessive amount of it can cause a disorganized heart rhythm.

Is salt better than Metformin for diabetes?

Yes, in some cases, it is better than Metformin. Chinen salt causes lesser side effects than Metformin. Salt suites well for many people who can not tolerate oral medicines. You can check this chinen salt for diabetes reviews for a better understanding.

Where can I buy Chinen salt to treat diabetes?

You can buy it on Amazon. We have added links in the respective segment of this article. You even can buy it from a retail shop near you. Wherever you purchase it, always check the label of the product.

What is Chinen used for?

People use Chinen salt to control their blood sugar. People have used it as an antioxidant. You can use Chinen salt as an alternative to table salt or tasting salt. It will improve both the taste and texture of your foods.

Can I add Chinen salt to the Metformin?

Chenin salt can help prevent digestive problems and muscle cramps which is especially useful for the elderly. So you can add Chenin salt to your diet.

But if you have any other health conditions like high blood pressure, you shouldn’t add more salt to your diet. Use Chenin salt as an alternative to normal table salt in your food, rather than taking the salt directly.

You can continue to take Metformin along with Chinen salt for diabetes as they have no known interactions.

Bottom line

For centuries, people across South and Southeast Asia have been using the Chinen salt extract from the Berberis aristata herb. The salt is rich in numerous health benefits and medicinal properties. No wonder, it made its place in ancient ayurvedic medicine.

You can enjoy all of its health benefits especially the benefits of Chinen salt for type 2 diabetes. This review will be adequate to comprehend all the benefits and side effects of excessive use of this plant-based salt.

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Chinen Salt For Diabetes Can Be Effective For 2 Reasons (2024)
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