All You Need to Know About Zoysia Grass (2024)

Zoysia grass is known for its ability to stand up to heat, drought, heavy foot traffic and a variety of other challenges. In its optimal growing zones, this tough grass can deliver a beautiful, dense lawn with very little input from you. Whether Zoysia is right for you depends on where you live, your lawn care goals and how you use your lawn. When those elements align with Zoysia's strengths, this versatile lawn grass may be the ideal choice.

  • Zoysia Grass at a Glance
  • Zoysia Grass Basics
  • Other Zoysia Grass Considerations
  • Zoysia Grass Lawn Care Calendar

Zoysia Grass at a Glance

  • Warm-season grass with improved cold tolerance.
  • Prefers sun, tolerates some light shade.
  • Suitable for southern and transition zones.
  • Tolerant of heat and drought.
  • Low water and maintenance requirements.
  • Dense, traffic-tolerant growth.

Zoysia Grass Basics

Zoysia grass is native to Asia, but it's been in the United States since at least 1895,1 around the time the first American lawnsappeared. It is known as a warm-season grass, meaning its active growth starts in the warmth of late spring and peaks during hot summer weather. Zoysia is perennial, so it comes back year after year when grown in appropriate climates. It's well-suited to lawns across the southern states, from the hot, humid Southeast to parts of California.

For homeowners in what lawn pros refer to as the transition zone, Zoysia merits extra attention. This area represents where many common northern and southern lawn grasses meet the limits of their climate preferences and a transition of recommended grasses occurs. Some cool-season grasses can struggle with added heat and humidity here. Similarly, cold winter temperatures in the zone's northern reaches challenge some warm-season grasses as well. However, Zoysia's heat and cold tolerance allow it to flourish in this region.

Some types of Zoysia grass can only be grown from sod or grass sprigs, but Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulchcombine the strengths of Zoysia grass with all the benefits of growing from seed. Zenith Zoysia also offers improved cold tolerance to give lawn owners even greater advantages in this challenging region.

Other Zoysia Grass Considerations

Zoysia grass establishes more slowly than some lawn grasses, but it forms a very dense carpet of grass beneath your feet. Few lawn weeds penetrate established Zoysia lawns. The grass spreads by above-ground stems called stolons and underground stems called rhizomes. This thick, dense growth earns favor among warm-climate sod producers and families that use their lawns heavily for lawn games and entertaining.

During its active growing season, Zoysia typically stays light to medium green. It turns brown when winter dormancy sets in, but it stays green much longer than Bermudagrass and other warm-season grasses. Plus, Pennington Zenith Zoysia keeps its green color longer than ordinary Zoysia grasses do. Some homeowners choose to overseed Zoysia lawns in fall with cool-season ryegrass for green winter color, but others appreciate its straw-like natural hue. Come spring, Zoysia lawns are among the first warm-season lawns to green up again.

Zoysia naturally develops a deep root system, and it's very efficient at conserving moisture and resisting drought. During short drought episodes, the grass remains green. If drought and heat persist, Zoysia will go dormant, but it greens up quickly when watered again. Zoysia prefers full sun, but it tolerates light shade — unlike Bermudagrass and other sun-loving, warm-season grasses.

Zoysia Grass Lawn Care Calendar

Like all warm-season grasses, Zoysia grass thrives in heat and peaks in growth during late spring and summer months. The optimal time for major lawn care tasks is during this time of vigorous growth. As cool fall temperatures arrive, Zoysia grass slows and begins to go dormant. Your lawn care schedule slows as well. To keep your Zoysia grass lawn at its bests, always keep these natural seasonal cycles in mind.

Zoysia grows best in southern areas. The farther north you live, the greater the impact weather conditions have on Zoysia's success and survival. If you're unsure about typical frost cycles and cold weather extremes for your local area, contact your county extension agent for advice. Then follow this lawn care calendar for a rich, lush Zoysia grass lawn.


Weed Prevention and Fertilization

Prevent crabgrass and feed your established Zoysia lawn in early spring with Pennington UltraGreen Crabgrass Preventer Plus Fertilizer III 30-0-4. Apply this preemergent any time before weed seeds germinate, which starts when soil temperatures hit 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Wait at least four weeks after application to overseed.


Start mowing Zoysia grass as it exits dormancy. Active Zoysia growth typically starts when soil temperatures warm to about 65°F. Mow as needed to maintain Zoysia grass at the recommended grass heightof 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Never remove more than one-third of the blade in a single mowing.

Seeding and Overseeding Thin Lawns

Seed or overseed with Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulch in late spring or early summer. Wait until all threat of frost has passed. Zoysia grass germinates best with soil temperatures around 65°F to 70°F. This roughly corresponds to daytime air temperatures near 80°F or more.

Weed Control and Fertilization

Control existing emerged weeds and fertilize Zoysia grass with once grass and weeds hit active growth in late spring. Do not reseed treated areas until at least three to four weeks after application. Do not apply to newly seeded areas until grass establishes and your third mowing occurs.

Aerate and Dethatch

Zoysia's dense growth habit often results in excess thatch. DethatchZoysia during peak growth to help ensure quick recovery. Aerate, if needed, to improve compacted soil.


Zoysia lawns typically need 1 inch of rainfall or irrigation per week. Deep, infrequent watering encourages deep, drought-resistant roots.



Continue to maintain your Zoysia grass lawn at 1 to 2 inches tall. Slightly higher mowing helps shade grass roots, reduce evaporation and encourage deeper root growth during summer heat.


Compared to many other lawn grasses, Zoysia has relatively low nitrogen requirements. If soil testing recommends summer nitrogen, feed with Pennington UltraGreen Lawn Fertilizer 30-0-4during active growth.


Water as needed so your Zoysia lawn gets 1 to 1 1/4 inches of weekly water from irrigation and rain combined. Sandy soil may require more frequent watering to keep Zoysia grass healthy and green.

Pest Control

Treat turf pests such grubs and mole crickets with Sevin Lawn Insect Killer Granulesto stop lawn damage and protect grass for up to three months.

Soil Testing

Soil testing reveals your lawn's pH and nutrient availability. Zoysia grass prefers soil pH between 5.8 and 7.0.2 Test lawns every three to four years to see if your lawn needs lime or other soil amendments.



Continue mowing Zoysia at heights of 1 to 1 1/2 inches as growth slows and dormancy approaches. Keep mowing until your grass stops growing.

Weed Control and Fertilization

Six to eight weeks before you expect fall frost, treat broadleaf weeds and prep Zoysia for winter with .

Overseeding for Winter Color

If you plan to overseed your Zoysia lawn for temporary winter color, wait until nighttime temperatures are consistently lower than 65°F and the grass begins to brown. Avoid all weed killers at least three weeks before seeding with Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mixor Pennington Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed.


Supplement fall rains as needed so your lawn receives 1 inch of water per week.

Soil Amendments

Amend your soil according to soil test recommendations. Overly acidic soil may need lime to restore pH balance. Gypsum helps loosen heavy clay soiland enhance root growth.

Leaf Management

Manage fallen leaves by raking or mulchingto prevent grass from smothering under leaves.



Dormant Zoysia lawns do not need winter mowing. Lawns overseeded with cool-season ryegrasses need regular mowing all winter long. Maintain overseeded lawns at a height of 2 inches to keep ryegrass looking its winter best.


Water dormant Zoysia lawns only if needed to prevent desiccation. Continue to water overseeded lawns so cool-season grasses receive 1 to 1 1/4 inches of water per week.

Tool Maintenance

Maintain lawn equipmentduring the off season. Sharp mowers and clean tools lessen the risk of lawn disease.

Winter Weed Control

Spot-treat winter weeds with targeted treatments; green weeds stand out against dormant warm-season grasses.

Yard Patrol

Keep your lawn clear of stones or winter debris so you're ready for an early spring.

For many homeowners, Zoysia grass is their warm-season grass of choice. That's especially true where a drought-resistant, low-maintenance, traffic-tolerant lawn is the goal. Penningtonis dedicated to producing the finest grass seedpossible and helping you grow and enjoy a beautiful, lush, healthy lawn. We're here for you — whatever type of grass you choose to grow.

Always read product labels thoroughly and follow instructions.


1. Duble, Richard L., "Zoysiagrass," Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.

2. Patton, Aaron, "Liming Your Lawn," University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service.

All You Need to Know About Zoysia Grass (2024)


All You Need to Know About Zoysia Grass? ›

Like all warm-season grasses, Zoysia grass thrives in heat and peaks in growth during late spring and summer months. The optimal time for major lawn care tasks is during this time of vigorous growth. As cool fall temperatures arrive, Zoysia grass slows and begins to go dormant. Your lawn care schedule slows as well.

What is the downside of zoysia grass? ›

Often, the lawn will stay brown well into Spring, which is a deal breaker for some. So, if year-round color is necessary for you, you may want to think twice before choosing zoysia grass. Zoysia will not tolerate heavy traffic during these dormant periods. Another negative is the very poor shade tolerance under trees.

How do you maintain zoysia grass? ›

Watering. When out of dormancy (when green and actively growing), Zoysia grass typically requires 1 inch of water per week. During very hot weather, Zoysia may require as much as 2 inches per week. During times of extreme drought, Zoysia grass may go dormant.

How do I make my zoysia grass thicker and greener? ›

Your grass will grow thicker and healthier with regular fertilization during the growing season. The need for fertilizer varies based on the square footage and climate. Typically, Zoysia grass requires only minimal nitrogen, about 1 pound per 1,000 square feet during the growing season.

Is zoysia grass high maintenance? ›

Zoysia grass is a type of turfgrass that is low-maintenance and can transform any lawn. It is known for being one of the most drought-tolerant grasses, as well as being able to withstand heavy foot traffic. Zoysia grass grows best in full sun and sandy soils and can be propagated through seed, sod, or plugs.

Will Zoysia choke out other grass? ›

Zoysia is considered invasive and is known to take over lawns, when given enough time. That includes crowding out other grasses that exist in your lawn or newly seeded grasses that you plant.

What happens if you don't mow Zoysia grass? ›

Unmowed Zeon Zoysia will grow 5-6” and most of it will not be standing straight up, rather it will be forming beautiful waves and mounds of various heights. We don't recommend Zenith Zoysia because it is coarser, grows longer, and produces unsightly seed heads twice a year if left unmowed.

Why do you put sand on Zoysia grass? ›

Adding sand to Zoysia grass is generally necessary if your soil has poor drainage or excessive compaction. Sand can improve drainage and help prevent waterlogging, but assessing your soil's needs through a soil test before applying sand is crucial.

Should I water Zoysia every day? ›

Zoysia grass is drought-tolerant, but it still requires regular watering, especially during dry spells. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Provide approximately 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, either through natural rainfall or irrigation.

What does overwatered Zoysia look like? ›

Off-color or Discolored Grass

A big sign of overwatering grass is color – or rather lack of color. Your lawn should be a deep green color. But if it looks yellow, brown, or even pale in nature, it could be getting too much water.

Are coffee grounds good for Zoysia grass? ›

Coffee grounds can be beneficial for Zoysia grass as they contain nitrogen and other nutrients that can promote growth. However, it is important to use coffee grounds in moderation and not rely solely on them as a fertilizer.

Why is Zoysia so expensive? ›

The Zoysia sod cost sod is influenced by several factors, including the type of Zoysia cultivar chosen, regional pricing disparities, installation requirements such as soil preparation and labor, the size of the area to be covered, and ongoing maintenance expenses like fertilization and watering.

What's the best fertilizer for zoysia grass? ›

Top 6 lawn fertilizers for Zoysiagrass – Reviews
  1. Simple Lawn Solutions Advanced 16-4-8 – Best for spring. ...
  2. The Andersons Professional PGF Complete 16-4-8 – Spring runner up. ...
  3. Turf Nurture Natural Base Fertilizer – Best phosphorus-free. ...
  4. Simple Lawn Solutions 15-0-15 Liquid Fertilizer – Best for summer.
Mar 15, 2024

What is the downside of Zoysia? ›

The pros of Zoysia grass include its drought resistance, low-maintenance requirements, and dense growth pattern. The cons include its slow establishment, intolerance to heavy foot traffic, and potential for thatch buildup.

What will make zoysia grass spread faster? ›

Using sprigs is probably the fastest, faster than sod, and one of the cheapest methods to establish a Zoysia grass lawn. Sprigging is the process of using stems instead of seeds.

Should I overseed my Zoysia lawn? ›

Overseeding zoysia grass is necessary to cover bald lawn patches and create a healthy lawn. You should overseed lawns in the late spring or early fall as temperatures are favorable for seed germination. If you overseed in the fall, spread seeds at least 60 days before the first frost.

What grass is better, Zoysia or bermuda? ›

Bermuda and Zoysia are durable, beautiful grasses that require consistent edging. Zoysia has a higher tolerance for drought and shade. Zoysia is lower maintenance than bermuda grass. Bermuda grass establishes more quickly and is less expensive.

What is the best alternative to Zoysia grass? ›

Red Fescue, like most other fescues is disease and pest free. Once in, other than making sure it gets established properly, it requires only minimal water – no chemical fertilizers or pesticides – to thrive.

Which is better, Zoysia or st augustine? ›

Comparative Analysis: Zoysia vs St Augustine

Shade Tolerance: Zoysia performs better in shaded conditions compared to St Augustine. Maintenance and Care: Zoysia grass typically requires less mowing and watering, making it a more low-maintenance option for busy homeowners.

What happens to zoysia grass in the winter? ›

During its active growing season, Zoysia typically stays light to medium green. It turns brown when winter dormancy sets in, but it stays green much longer than Bermudagrass and other warm-season grasses.

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